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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Guerrilla Motvational Speaker available for impromptu "atta girls" at local shoppes

I was at Quick Chek* this AM when that done "Just Can't Get Enough" by Depeche Mode came on and everyone of a certain age (I'm gonna go with 36-45ish) started bopping their heads and whatnot. It was pretty funny. A girl behind me in line said "Oh remember this song? I miss the 80's!"

"I smiled back, "Well, i don't miss High School or my horrible acne, but I like the music."

"The 80s were great," she said. "I was skinny and cute and had good hair back then..." she gave a wistful sigh. Now this woman wasn't a hot mess by any means but she just looked kind of miserable at that moment.

So, naturally I opened up my trap.

"Look," I said very seriously, "if you have stuff about your life you want to change, it's not too late to do it. You just have to make the choice and do it. Look at me, I'm 39 and I've lost 37 pounds so far!"

She asked how I told her how and that the gym I was going to was offering no sign up and all that.

"I've been waiting for that deal tp come back" she said.

"There's you sign, then. If you want to change you have to make the choice. It's not easy, but it worth it to make your life better. I'm doing it and my wife lost over 50 pounds so far."

I don't know if I helped or not, but I'd like to think so.

* You know I didn't realize there was no second "c" in their name until I was like 34? Johnny Observant.

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