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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Enough is Enough!

I'm glad I'm out of 2011, I was not a fan. I've honestly had a run or crummy years here, and I'd like to believe they are behind me. There were some good times to be had in '11, to be sure. I got a new job in May, which I promptly lost in November. My car gave me some trouble, but I found what seems to be a Good Mechanic. That's a proper noun because you know what a Good Mechanic is. Reasonable and not out to wallet-rape you.

Now, according to the scale at Adventure Aquarium on Wednesday I clocked in at 265 pounds. Bear in mind that was not obviously my BANWAP (Bare-Assed Naked Weight After Pooping) because pulling that kind of stunt at the aquarium will probably get you arrested.

The way my body has felt in the last week hasn't been terrific either. Sore all over, tired all the time. I have a really hard time getting in and out of the car, like when I started. Well, shit, that makes sense since I am basically right back where I started in the first place!

Recently at work I was too fat to fit between boxes in the back room and it's getting increasingly harder to keep the gut covered with XL shirts. It's really embarrassing, honestly. I'm 41 years old, and there's no real reason I should be as fat as I am.

I know, I know it my fault. I can be horrifically lazy, especially when doing the two-jobs thing (ah! you're thinking, no excuses now, are there? and you'd be 100% correct!) but I really have to make a change or it's, quite literally, going to kill me, and that's if I don't have a debilitating stroke or something. It's petrifying, honestly.

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