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Monday, May 16, 2011

OK, so it's been a month...

and, being I gave a complete stranger this address the other day at work I guess I ought to update it.

I can't say "here's the skinny" because, well let's face it, there's nothing remotely skinny going on here. So, here's the deal.

I weighed in last Wednesday (what would have been Week 150 if I had been keeping up with tis thing) and, to borrow a phrase from the National Enquirer, I "Tipped the scales" at a whopping TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE and A FUCKING HALF POUNDS!

It's goddamned embarrassing and I was summarily ashamed of myself. So, I did what any non-self-respecting Fatty would do and ate myself stupid.

So, here I am. less than 10 pounds from where I started. Jesus, that's simply devastating. I got down to the 220s! I got a part time job at everyone's favorite coffeehouse and gained like thirty back*. Ugh. What the hell am I doing to myself...

So as it stands here's where we're at:
  • I start a new full time gig next Monday. I have to shop for new clothes. New FAT clothes. This burns my ass like you wouldn't believe. I threw out all my fat clothes before and now I take a huge step backwards and buy more. Devastating, considering I do not plan on wearing them long. Please note, I am so glad to finally have a job that this is really the least of my problems.
  • I have begun snoring badly again. I'm so goddamned tired most of the time I can't tell what day it is. It's been better a little lately, but man, I don't need this crap again.
  • my pants are too tight.
  • my umbilical hernia is ridiculous. I gotta get to 200 pounds so I can have it repaired.
So, now we'll have two jobs to deal with and a new, tighter schedule. I'm so sick of being a fat bastard, that I have no choice but to snap t6o and get it done. The first couple of weeks are gona suck, but maybe a few weeks in and I'll get that energy back I used to have.


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