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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Houston, We Have a Problem!

There’s Chipwiches in the new vending machine!

Sonnavabitch! I love me a Chipwich, yessiree. Now, being that I am cheap and they cost 1.75, I’m marginally safe. That’s kinda high on the snack ladder pricing structure for something I know is really bad for me.

Good News:
My father in law had his kidney cleared out and should be coming home from the hospital soon. So, thanks for all your prayers and good vibes. I’m gonna count this one in the “win” column!

Music News actually related to food: Morrisey gets his panties in a bunch over meat:

Basically the Big M said “I can smell burning flesh and I hope to God it’s human.”

Really? Really? You’d rather people, actual human beings, were burning than the flesh of a cow or pig or chicken? Maybe it’s me, but I think it makes Morrisey come across like an enormous asshat.

He apparently was then sick in a portapotty and then came back some saying “The Smell of Burning Animals is making me sick…”

You know, Mr. Crankypants, it didn’t seem to bother Sir Paul McCartney who played well past curfew on Friday night. It’s not like you though you were playing some hippie “Festival of Vegans” or some such nonsense. Tell you what, why not go and relay backstage and we’ll call you a waaaaaaaaaaaahmbulance.

OK, Meat is Murder, we get it! I personally find cheese offensive but I’m not walking off stage because I can smell the pizza at Buddies Tavern. Suck it up, or don’t play. You can use all your stage time you want to rail about horrible meat eaters if you want, but don’t be a petulant child because someone wanted a friggin hot dog. Dry your eyes there, Susan, and play some songs.

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