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Friday, July 31, 2009

Big Jugs and Tramp Stamps

Yeah, I thought that might get your attention. It's because you're filthy. Or you have the mentality of a junior high schooler. That's OK, I sympathize.

A couple of posts back, I was lamenting about my water intake, so my wife got me one of these:

It's pretty freaking big and it's pretty darn heavy when it's full. This does not stop Owen from carrying it to me when he comes across it unattended. I guess it's helping. The drinking I mean but having a short water caddy is nice too. I seem to have restarted my more frequent pee status, so that's probably a good thing.

It's hard to drink enough when you're not in front of the PC all day and you're doing things.

Speaking of not helping, here was my lunch yesterday:

OK, mine and my son's. Now, it's a steak sammich, so that's reasonably crappy, but I did pretty good for the rest of that day.

OK, FINE I split a small frozen custard with the Boy as well. Janet's going to have a field day with this! It's a good thing I had that smoothie yesterday I guess.

Oh, and I saw this and thought it was pretty funny.

It's a Hyundai Elantra with a "Tramp Stamp" or as they call 'em in Germany: "Ass Antlers." Pretty cool, right? I want to get my car a full sleeve.**

In other news, the pool has been closed for two days now. What the hell?

*Yeah, I couldn't get the damned pic to rotate. Suck it up or choose to believe I ate on Saturn or something.

** Very good, you detected the sarcasm.

1 comment:

Janet said...

I prefer 'universal whore tattoo' -- that's so much more descriptive.

and do you tip your water caddy or is this how you're preparing him for the sweatshop work you have planned??