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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Biggest Loser Finale: Season 8 HOLY CRAP!

Man, if you told me week 1 who the winner was going to be on this season I'd never have believed you. Check out the pictures for the fantastic job everyone did! Let me just tick off the highlights for you:

1) This is the first year that my picks won both the At Home and the Big Prize! Hooray for me!

2) Please break out the Barney Stinson Hot/Crazy Scale for Tracey! Sweet Guinea Pig From Winnipeg, what a difference! She's probably still waaaaay over the Mendoza Diagonal, but what can you do? (It seems the video of this particular bit was taken down from the official blog*, but here it is for your enjoyment, from another source (see what I do for you people?)-

3) Daniel looks great, and finally healthy. He's gonna need to be to keep up with...

4) Rebecca! Yep, our at home 100K winner and completely ridiculously hot transformation. Rumor has it they are going to be shacking up, erm, I mean moving in together.

5) Biggest suprise of the At-Homies? JULIO! Look at this guy! Dead Father? Not bloody likely, Jillian. I was less than convinced of his dedication, then he turns up looking like...well, one healthy son of a gun.

6) Antoine proposing! Also, Antoine looking like an Action Hero!

Everyone did a hell of a job. There were some "no suprise there" moments, like when Allen came out and looked like an action figure, or the standing ovation Shay got.

Oh, and speaking of Shay, "Our Friends at Subway" want to help her on her journey and invited her back to the Season 9 Finale. For every pound more she loses, she'll get one thousand dollars!


She's got like well over 100 pounds to go, and Subway is also giving her free food. I just wished Jared had come out with the blank check. Just because.

And now to our winner. I'd have taken any of the three, but let's face it Amanda was there as an "also ran" and that's OK, because she ran with the winners. She also looked great.

Rudy came out looking like a basketball player or something. Holy Smokes, what a difference. He managed some insanely impressive numbers, but Danny managed to lose ove 52% of his body weight, and took home the prize.

Danny was humble, and now he looks like a movie star. If he wanted a future in entertainment, I bet he could do it easily. He looks a little like a young Mel Gibson now.

Joy Behar asked him what he was gonna do withthe money and he said "Well, first I need new clothes!" That is the one hazard of losing a lot of weight, you need all new clothes.

I'll take it though.

I could probably get an entire new wardrobe for about $1,000, shoes and all. Ok, maybe not shoes too...they get expensive.

Anyway I can't wait until next season, starting in, believe it or not, JANUARY!

*Yeah, the official blog, and the video was removed for copywrite violations. Go figure.

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