Progress! Follow along at home!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 69*: 230.7 Sexy has, apparently, left the building. Toninght, sexy will be played by the Doughy White Guy.

Starting weight: 264.2
Weight last week: 226.8
Current weight: 230.7
Lost this week: UP a big THREE POINT NINE-ER
Total lost to date: 33.5

Weight remaining to lose: 50.7 pounds

Man, it just goes to show you, you can't screw around too much AKA- Big Ed's Ribs are a bitch.

I feel like my 4 mile walk and run on Friday was a big ol' waste of effort. Grrrrrrrrr. Damn you, food! Stop being delicious!

So I went on a SIX MILE walk/run today and I am telling you something right here: I am going to sleep like a baby tonight. Here's how it went:
Bluetrail until you hit the junction, then red/green back to the main hub below the Interpretive Center, then the yellow trail twice.

I took my wife to Cheesquake yesterday for the first time and we did 2.5 miles (Red Trail). It was a lot of fun to take someone with me for a change.

Friday I did 4 miles, mainly by accident and the underestimation of distance.

I am going to stop this here because I am pretty tapped out mentally, and have lots of other stuff to do.

See you tomorrow.

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